Temperament for office? Really?


The current method for attacking Trump seems to be an effort by democrats to challenge Trump’s temperament. Seriously? Is that what you are going with? Have you taken a serious look at Hillary? I remember reading books about the Bill Clinton presidency describing Hillary as being a psycho. Now there is another book by a Secret Service Officer talking about Hillary’s actions, outbursts, and behavior.

Ok, so let’s just forget about all of that for a minute and examine the Email scandal a little. Supposedly we can’t prove intent by Hillary’s choice of a private email server. Looking back over a thirty year history of Hillary’s behavior and action we clearly see that she is anything but transparent and open about ANYTHING. I do not find it hard to believe that the private server was for no other reason than to deceive, hide, and obfuscate her actions. At the very least though, we have to consider FBI Director Comey’s testimony after the conclusion of the FBI investigation into the server.  If we go with the description of Hillary having been extremely careless with handling of classified material then one has to ask, if Hillary can’t be trusted to handle email and classified material, what will happen if she is President and has access to America’s top secret classified material, nuke codes, and everything else pertaining to American Security? Can we have a President who can’t pass a background screening or be given the highest clearances there are to handle classified material?

It appears that the democrats are simply incapable of being able to discuss or debate topics like the economy, immigration, foreign policy, etc. because of their absolute catastrophic mishandling of every situation that they are presented with. The things that matter to most Americans and affect us at a very personal level like poverty, income, security, etc. So their solution is to attack Trump’s temperament because they lace any record of success on anything that Americans find important. The last thing that I am going to be concerned with going into the voting booth is Trump’s temperament.

Hillary has demonstrated not only a willingness but an absolute eagerness to look us in the eye and lie without reservation. Reasonable people could easily conclude a pathological aptitude for lying in any and every situation. The Clinton’s both pride themselves as being spin misters extraordinaire which we have seen for the past thirty years but culminated in Bill Clinton’s testimony resulting in his answer that it depended on the definition of what is, is. The Clintons will fabricate a yarn, or spin a tale, or boldly lie about the most innocuous of things such as Hillary landing in Eastern Europe under sniper fire, or that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary despite having been born six years before Sir Edmund came on the scene. You can almost consistently expect the exact opposite of whatever you are told by the Clintons to be the actual truth.

If you plan to vote simply on knee jerk emotionalism or simply because of party affiliation then do this country a favor and for God’s sake, don’t vote at all. If you are unable to see the truth, accept fact over fiction, or are so mind numbed from the indoctrination and lies of the media then you will be guilty of an extremely serious infraction that I like to call, VWI or voting while ignorant. Please don’t be that guy and avoid being charged with VWI at all costs.


About admin

Conservative, Christian, Patriot. Former law enforcement officer and served in the US Air Force.
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